Ctrl + A
Selects all the available content in the sheet
Ctrl + B
Bold the cells that are highlighted.
Ctrl + C
Copies the highlighted cells.
Ctrl + D
Fills the other cells with contents.
Ctrl + F
Helps in searching anything in the present sheet
Ctrl + G
Takes to a designated area.
Ctrl + H
Used for Finding and Replacing
Ctrl + I
Changes the font structure to Italic
Ctrl + K
Used for inserting a hyperlink.
Ctrl + N
Creates a brand-new workbook
Ctrl + O
Opens the new workbook.
Ctrl + P
Prints out the current worksheet.
Ctrl + R
Fills the other cells in the right with contents.
Ctrl + S
Saves the worksheet you are working on.
Ctrl + U
Underlines the text that is in the highlighted section.
Ctrl + V
Pastes everything that is kept copied in the clipboard.
Ctrl + W
Shuts off the current workbook.
Ctrl + X
Cuts of all the highlighted cells available.
Ctrl + Y
Used for repeating the last entry.
Ctrl + Z
Undo the last deed.
Ctrl + 1
Changes the current format of the cells.
Ctrl + 2
Bolds the highlighted cells in the section.
Ctrl + 3
Italicises the highlighted cells in the section.
Ctrl + 4
Underlines the cells that are highlighted.
Ctrl + 5
In the highlighted section, It puts a strikethrough
Ctrl + 6
Shows or hides the cells
Ctrl + 7
Displays or Removes the toolbar.
Ctrl + 8
Toggles the symbols
Ctrl + 9
Wipes off rows.
Ctrl + 0
Wipes off columns.
Ctrl + Shift + :
Goes to the current time
Ctrl + ;
Goes to the current date
Ctrl + ‘
From the above cell, it copies the formula
Ctrl + Shift + "
From the above cell, it copies the value
Ctrl + -
Totally wipes off the selected row or column.
Ctrl + Shift + =
Inserts a new line of row or column.
Ctrl + Shift + ~
Switches by showing either values or formula.
Ctrl + Shift + @
Puts on time formatting
Ctrl + Shift + !
Puts on comma formatting
Ctrl + Shift + $
Puts on currency formatting
Ctrl + Shift + #
Puts on date formatting
Ctrl + Shift + *
Around the active cell, it highlights the region.
Ctrl + Shift + &
Puts on border around the cells that are selected.
Ctrl + Shift + _
Erases the border
Ctrl + Shift + (
Shows the hidden rows
Ctrl + Shift + )
Shows the hidden columns
Ctrl + /
Selects the whole array
Ctrl + \
Selects the static value of the cells
Ctrl + Enter
Fills up the entry in the selected cells
Ctrl + Spacebar
Selects the whole column
Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar
Selects the whole worksheet
Ctrl + Home
Moves to the first cell of the sheet
Ctrl + End
Moves to the last cell of the sheet
Ctrl + Tab
Cycles between two opened sheets
Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Triggers the last used workbook
Ctrl + Shift + A
Inserts the name of the argument
Ctrl + Shift + F
Opens up the drop-down menu for different fonts.
Ctrl + Shift + O
Selects all the cells filled with comments
Ctrl + Shift + P
Shows the drop-down menu for point size
Insert + Shift
Pastes everything that is on the clipboard.
Shift + Page Up
Highlights the above cells.
Shift + Page Down
Highlights the below cells.
Shift + Home
Highlights all the text to the cursor left.
Shift + End
Highlights all the text to the cursor right.
Shift + Up Arrow
Extends the highlight up by one.
Shift + Down Arrow
Extends the highlight down by one.
Shift + Left Arrow
Extends the highlight left by one char.
Shift + Right Arrow
Extends the highlight right by one char.
Alt + F1
Chart Insertion
Alt + F2
Opens Save As option
Alt + F4
Closes MS Excel
Alt + F8
Opens the macro box for dialogue
Alt + F11
Shows the editor for Visual Basic