
With respect to class 4 Computer Networks, a computer network is a collection of computers and devices like printers, scanners connected together via wires or the internet. For example the connection of a computer with a printer. The computers and devices which are part of the network exchange information or communicate with each other. 


With respect to class 4 computer lessons, communication is the transfer of information from a sender, across a distance, to a receiver. A sender is a person who sends a message. A receiver is a person who gets the message sent by the sender. Communication is an act of exchanging messages.

With respect to class 4 Computer Networks, components of a Computer Network are

To create a Computer Network, we need –

  • Two or more computers
  • Wires or the internet to link the computers.
  • Operating system

 Importance of Computer Networks 

With respect to class 4 computer lessons, using a computer network has many benefits. They are-

  1. Sharing of Hardware devices such as printers, scanner, etc.
  2. Sharing of files.
  3. Sharing of software.
  4. Computer Networks helps in fast communication.
  5. Files can be stored.

With respect to class 4 Computer Networks, types of Computer Networks are

There are two main types of computer network. They are:

  • a local area network (LAN)
  • a wide area network (WAN)

Local Area Network (LAN)



With respect to class 4 computer lessons, a local area network (LAN) is when computers or devices are connected together over a small area, such as within a home, a building, etc. A LAN can be created to share files or hardware such as a printer, or to share an internet connection.

  • A local area network is low in cost.
  • It is fast in speed.
  • It is small in size.

Wide Area Network (WAN)




With respect to class 4 computer lessons, a wide area network is when computers or devices are connected together over a large area such as a country or the world. It is a collection of LANs.The biggest WAN is the internet.

  • A wide area network is high in cost.
  • It is slow in speed.
  • It is big in size.

With respect to class 4 Computer Networks, disadvantages of a Computer Network are -

Computer Network has few disadvantages. They are-

  • Loss of files in case the network stops.
  • They spread viruses.
  • Managing a large network is difficult.


Q1) ____ is a collection of computers and devices.

Ans: Computer Network.

Q2) What is an act of exchanging messages?

Ans: Communication.

Q3) Which type of area network is low in cost?

Ans: Local area network.

Q4) What is a collection of LANs?

Ans: Wide area network.


  • A computer network is a collection of computers and devices
  • Communication is the transfer of information from a sender, across a distance, to a receiver.
  • There are two main types of computer network. They are a local area network (LAN) and wide area network (WAN).
  • A local area network (LAN) is when computers or devices are connected together over a small area.
  • A wide area network is when computers or devices are connected together over a large area.