With respect to class 3 Introduction to MS-Word 2010, MS – Word is a word processor developed by Microsoft.

  • It is a program that is used for typing text.
  • The first-word processor was basically computerized typewriters.
  • A word document file can contain text, images, tables, graphs, charts, etc.
  • We can type and save those documents and use it later.

With respect to class 3 Introduction to MS-Word 2010, what can we do with the text in MS-Word 2010

  • The writing style, size, colour of the text can be changed.
  • The text can be highlighted by Bold, Italics and can be underlined.
  • Automatic spelling and grammar corrections are made.
  • The text we type is displayed on the screen.
  • When the text reaches the end of a line, the cursor automatically moves to the new line and continues.

With respect to class 3 Introduction to MS-Word 2010, steps to create a new MS-Word file

With respect to class 3 computer lessons, steps to open and create a new Word document:

  1. Click on start >> Program >> Microsoft Office >> Microsoft Word to open Microsoft Word 2010.
  2. Select File >> New or press Ctrl + N to open a new document.
  3. Place the insertion point at the blank screen where we want to type the text.

With respect to class 3 Introduction to MS-Word 2010, components of MS-Word 2010

Look below, this is how MS – Word screen looks like



Changing the size of the text

  1. Select the text by putting the cursor at the beginning of the text drag it at the end.
  2. Choose the size by clicking on the arrow beside the font size box.



Undo & Redo text on MS - Word

  • With respect to class 3 computer lessons, we can reverse the changes, you can click on this icon to undo the same or you can also press Ctrl + Z.
  • We can redo the changes, you can click on this icon to redo the same or you can also press Ctrl + Y.

With respect to class 3 Introduction to MS-Word 2010, steps to copy & move text within an open document

Copy / Paste:

  1. Select the text that you want to copy
  2. Copy the selected text by using the Copy tool or by pressing the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + C
  3. Place the cursor on the place where you want the text to be copied
  4. Paste the copied text by using the Paste tool or by pressing the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + V

Cut / Paste:

  1. Select text that you want to cut
  2. Cut the selected text by using the Cut tool or by pressing the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + X
  3. Place the cursor on the place where you want to move the text
  4. Paste the text by using the Paste tool or by pressing the keyboard shortcut 

With respect to class 3 Introduction to MS-Word 2010, steps to save a document & print

Save a document:

To save any document, use the save key  or by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S

Print a document:

Select the printer and press Ctrl + P and enter the number of copies to print.

Moving within a word using Home & End keys

  • Home key – Helps to move the cursor to the first word of the line.
  • End key – Helps to move the cursor to the end of the line.

With respect to class 3 computer lessons, steps to close a word document

  • Click the Office tab >> close button.





Introduction to MS-Word 2010

  • MS – Word is a word processor developed by Microsoft.

With respect to class 3 computer lessons, what can we do with the text in MS-WORD?

  • The writing style, size, colour of the text can be changed.
  • The text can be highlighted by Bold, Italics and can be underlined.
  • Automatic spelling and grammar corrections are made.

With respect to class 3 computer lessons, steps to create a new Microsoft Word document

Click on start >> Program >> Microsoft Office >> Microsoft Word to open Microsoft Word 2010 >> Select File >> New or press Ctrl + N to open a new document.

Undo & Redo text on MS - Word

  • Ctrl + Z : Undo
  • Ctrl + Y : Redo

To copy & move text within an open document

  • Ctrl + C : Copy
  • Ctrl + V : Paste
  • Ctrl + X : Cut

To save a document & print

  • Ctrl + S : Save
  • Ctrl + P : Print

Moving within a word using Home & End keys

Closing a word document